What, me worry?
Springtime is coming on strong here in lovely Pavlodar. The temperatures are already running around 10-19 degrees Celcius. I don't know what I'm going to do, as my clothes are prepared for winter weather more so than this good stuff. Item A on the to-do-list when I visit the States.
I thought that I'd share some photos that are a little old, but bespeak to the beauty that is this country:
Here is a man playing an accordion, wearing a traditional Kazakh hat. I'm going to have a complex with how much I love this music here.
This was taken back in September, but there are the mountains in southern Kazakhstan, taking from a hike with my host grandfather while in Talgar. There aren't mountains near Pavlodar, but there are some forests around here that I'm excited to check out.
There is a lot more beauty to this country, my city of Pavlodar and its people, and I'll do my best to showcase it as best I can.
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